
Reiki Silence retreat

Abbey Lilbosch, Echt

Faithful Reiki practitioners regularly experience the natural silence of the treatment. Through the combination of Reiki and silence a deep relaxation of mind and body is created, a deepening of the perception of Reiki and it is a great preparation for a stilly winter or a joyous spring. The simplicity of the meals at the abbey contributes to this.

Reiki Silence retreat

Who has a degree in Usui Shiki Ryoho and wants to seriously engage in the adventure of silence can go with us to a Trappist monastery in Limburg. In the silence of the abbey and the peace of the surrounding nature during a three- or four day’s retreat, Reiki will be at the centre. To lay down your hands without words, to become more silent within yourself en let Reiki do the work. Each day a group meditation and giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment will carry us beyond the daily life so we can experience the grandeur of our soul in the point of silence. It is important that you have experience in working with groups where self realization and respect for each other’s (silent) growing process is key.

The start of a Reiki Silence retreat is different times. Look at the dates that we offer. The program is set up in a way that there is enough room for walks or to be on your own. To say thanks for the hospitality of the monks we will attend one of the services in the monastery church daily. The retreat will end on Sunday afternoon at 5pm.

Three day Retreat

Mostly in November, as a preparation to the winter and his silence.

Four day Retreat

Mostly in Februari, as a preparing for spring. That knowing feeling, that soon an explosion of green will celebrate life, radiant and fresh. Again each year!


For more information:

Rebecca Bredenhof, +31-(0)70-3677964 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

For these retreats there is only room for 6-8 participants. There is a double room for people who want to share a room.

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