
Resource Development for the Reiki Community

’You cannot restore ecology without restoring human beings’


What is the Offer to the members of our Reiki community?
In less than two generations, Reiki has grown into a global spiritual movement. As a practice, Reiki helps bring alignment with the natural order for those practicing. More and more Reiki students are realizing that this alignment also has larger significance. It is what our communities need to nurture harmony among people. It is what our nations need to promote peace and justice in the world. And it is what humanity needs to create a healthy relationship with our planet. The Reiki movement is in a very good position to help with all of these needs if it can find an effective way to think and work together on them.

Resource Development for the Reiki Community is an ongoing series of workshops for Reiki students who wish to deepen their ability to serve their communities. In Resource Development participants work on growing themselves so that they can help others realize more of their potential. This Resource Development is a discipline designed to bring greater alignment between the wisdom of the body and caring of the heart and the power of the human mind. Using frameworks that are drawn from living systems, each person can better understand how nature works. This work is for people who are committed to serving the evolution of the Reiki community and the transformational contribution it can make in the world.

Ben Haggard is a consultant, artist, teacher, and author living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. For 35 years he has dedicated himself to helping people use land and community design to create more harmonious relationships among humans and ecosystems

Read more about the workshop

Dates of the workshops:
27 and 28 January 2024
8 and 9 June 2024
12 and 13 October 2024

1 and 2 February 2025
14 and 15 June 2025

Times of the workshop:
Saturday and Sunday: 9am till 18pm

Rebecca Bredenhof, 0612181950 of Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.  

1800 euro for 4 weekends during the year 2024-2025 and in between monthly virtual meetings. Payment can be made in 4 payments at 450 euro, each time before the start of a weekend. Important to know that participants are committing to the entire program of 4 weekends and responsible for the total amount of payment regardless of attendance.

No interpretation is included. English language only.