
In the present moment (Eng)

Workshop with Mel Hoffstead Flag_-_NL_-_50-32.png


In Reiki you are given many gifts and one of them is being in the present. You will find that the present is literatlly a wonderful present. It is a miraculous gift of peace, contentment, energy, excitement and much more.

During this workshop, through Reiki, dance, storytelling and guided visualization we will experience being alive and appreciate the awareness of this moment. This wonderful, precious moment. The present moment is to be treasured because itis there where we experience our authentic selves. Accept it and enjoy it!

I look forward to being together in the magic of the present moment.


Mel Hoffstead, Reiki Master 

Location: Reikicentrum Zijn
Date: Sunday 9 October 2022
Tijd: 10am - 6.30pm (coffee/tea from 9.30am)
Investment: € 125,- 
Lunch: We'll arrange for soup, please bring something to share ?
Info & registration: organisor Mirjam Top-Termaat, 06 8142 9578 / Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Mel Hoffstead has been a Reiki Master for 32 years, with a background as a teacher, social worker and drama therapist. She runs workshops in the UK and internationally, combining Reiki and Creativity with a passion to help people open their creative treasure chest.