
HFT & Relationships (Eng)

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online workshop with Rebecca BredenhofFlag - NL - 50-32

Fortunately, everyone has relationships, because having relationships is the most special spiritual path we can take. Because nothing can challenge and mirror us anymore, relationships are an enormous enrichment for anyone who wants to get to know themselves deeply. Ideally, the foundation of any relationship is commitment; a search for balance, in moving from me and you to We.

Unfortunately, that ideal is not always there, certainly not in every relationship. We often inherit the way in which we connect with others from our family of origin, the culture in which we grow up and/or social role patterns. The imprint we receive early on determines in our later life whether we mainly have healthy or especially unhealthy relationships. Sometimes we are not even aware of the differences. We look to ourselves for causes of uncomfortable relationships, instead of realizing that you are perpetuating a (perhaps very old) family pattern.

This workshop is about the different forms of relationships we have with other people, how we experience them and which difficult relationship patterns come from our ancestors. You will receive tools to initiate a six-week healing process for the relationships in your family tree and Reiki family tree, which reflect in you. It is my belief that everyone who heals his or her relationships contributes to world peace. And closer to home, you no longer pass on burdensome relationship patterns to future generations.

HFT relationships 

For whom?

For anyone who has previously taken a Healing your Family Tree with Reiki (HFT) class with Marta Getty or Rebecca Bredenhof, and is willing to explore, heal and deepen knowledge of relationship patterns in the family tree and Reiki family tree. HFT & Relations is a group process, which means that your time investment this time is one remote treatment per day plus an email exchange once a week. And of course your daily self-treatment to support the change in your cells.

Data: Friday 27 until Sunday 29 October 2023 plus Sunday 17 December 2023
Times weekend: Friday 4 pm - 7.30 pm CEST, Saturday and Sunday 9.30 am - 6 pm CEST
Times 17 December: 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm CEST
Investment: € 420. Bring your own lunch and we will provide coffee/tea and soup.
Information: Rebecca Bredenhof, 06 1218 1950
Registration and payment: send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. to register and transfer the amount of € 420 to NL62 ABNA 0885 3321 21, in the name of H.R. Bredenhof, stating HFT & Relations Oct23