
HFT & Money 2.0 (Eng)

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your family tree and your relationship with moneyFlag - RU - 50-32

by zoom with Rebecca Bredenhof

An agreement between two people must result in the greatest profit
for the one in relation to the biggest profit for the other,
and the smallest possible loss for the universe.
source: Kaballa & money

The aim of this class is to look at money in relation to your family tree and your Reiki family tree. How are you rooted in money and in which money systems? What convictions about money come from your family tree and which events have led to these convictions? And how is money rooted in your Reiki family tree? Are there any similarities between both family trees? We investigate these questions and you will receive tools to start a healing process of five weeks.

Money is one of the nine elements of the Reiki system that I have been practicing for more than 30 years. In the beginning I found it quite strange that money was part of a healing art and even more strange that it belonged to a spiritual practice. Nevertheless, over the years I became increasingly fascinated by this element. Sometimes I see a glimpse of what it could mean if we do not see money as an economic value, but rather learn its spiritual value. Because maybe the element of Money in my Reiki tradition has to do with a spiritual value that is similar to the words above of the Kaballa and money.

In order to find answers to questions that this rule raises in me, I started to explore our convictions about money together with other people. And as expected many of these convictions are passed on generation by generation. Also in our Reiki family tree. Convictions that keep us back from a spiritual experience of Money.

For whom ?
For anyone who has a longing to heal there relationship with money on a deep level, and has a serious practice of distant Reiki treatments with the sacred tools of the second Reiki degree. HFT & Money is a group process, so your time investment is only one distance treatment each day during five weeks, plus an e-mail exchange once a week. And of course your daily self-treatment to support the transformation in your cells.


Experiences of participants
HFT and Money is a class in alchemizing old patterns of beliefs into fluid sources of joy and contribution. Truly a potent and supported journey.

This work is deep and beautiful, and I absolutely love the fact that Rebecca is continuing to facilitate and create a space for this important and to me invaluable work.
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Dates: Friday 5 to Sunday 7 July 2024, plus Friday 16 August 2024
Weekend times: all days from 4pm -10pm CEST (including breaks and Reiki treatments)
Time 5 July: 4 pm – 8 pm
Investment: € 420.-
Payment: by IBAN or Paypal, see form
Registration: by form
Organizer: Rebecca Bredenhof, +31 6 1218 1950 / Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Language: English

HFT & Money is part of the Healing your Family Tree with Reiki process and is developed in 2015 by Marta Getty and Rebecca Bredenhof, after questions about healing the money aspect in (Reiki) families. Since that year this class is given in the Netherlands, Kazakhstan and later by Zoom for participants from USA and UK. In 2019, completely organically new aspects about money emerged during a class and a few hours where added. Hence the addition 2.0.