
Moving Into The Fifth Reiki Precept

Living With Gratitude In Challenging Times

workshop with Rick Bockner, Reikimaster

Of all the Reiki Precepts of Mikao Usui, the fifth and last one encourages us to “show gratitude to every living thing.”   This is a call to move outside your personal awareness and appreciate life in all its many forms. It is also intended to move us into universal consciousness and to get in touch with the source and flow of Reiki all around us. This is even more important in times of chaos, war, political strife, and personal tragedy.

In this weekend workshop for Masters and Master Candidates, Rick Bockner will lead the group in exploring what it means to live in gratitude, and how we can get there in our practice of Reiki. So much more is going on around us than we are aware of, and gratitude is a doorway to a deeper perception of what it means to live well.

We will use discussion, treatments, stories, and small groups to see how our awareness changes when we move beyond self-preservation and into service.

This group is limited to 20 people.

Date: Saturday 20th and Sunday 21th May 2017registrationform
Times: 9.30 – 17.30
Investment: 280 euro
Location: Reikicentrum Zijn, The Hague, The Netherlands
Translation English-Dutch: Anne Boerrigter
Information and registration: Rebecca Bredenhof,   +31 6 70 3677964 / + 31 6 12181950 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.